Q: Are you saying that status, power, looks and money is not what attracts females, but that it all has to do with mating cycles?
A: Not at all. There is no question that they are all very attractive to women. The point I am trying to make (which I must often remind myself is highly counter-intuitive) is that women are much more likely to be attracted to those things if the timing is appropriate. For example, when a woman is ovulating she is more likely to be attracted to men who might be good providers. Another point about timing is if a man wears strong cologne, he is much less likely to get the girl during the start of her cycle, when her sense of smell is highest. What I am also saying is that even without status, power, looks and money, men have a much better chance if they focus more on when than on what; the 5 senses and the 5Ws are extremely important, as they shape our reality. When properly interlaced and applied, the effects are undeniable, irresistible.
Q: Wouldn't you say the former still plays a role, though I think you also say that elsewhere (when you mention the "sight"/visual field, looking hot...)
A: Unless the female is blind, she cannot avoid seeing the man first before having any ability to recognize his other qualities. As diurnal mammals with 5 senses, we recognize mates in the following order: sight, sound ("hello!" from a few feet), smell (close enough to touch, maybe smelling their breath), touch (handshake, hug) and taste (a kiss). Of course, there are slight exceptions to each encounter (such as hearing a sexy manly voice and then seeking the source) but otherwise that's generally what happens.
Q: The drive for protection and safety is a big one in females. I remember a survey by a sex coach who surveyed multiple women about which body parts attracted women the most. The answer that came up the most was not what any man would have thought: large shoulders. I think large shoulders simply gives an image, for women, of ''being held and protected''. Do you agree?
A: Shoulders are a big one, as is height (to see danger and to strike from above like a bird). Here we can consider the numerous definitions of "safety". What is safety? In my experience it is also the man's ability to teach the women how to defend herself physically, mentally and emotionally. Looking back in history, since most men have wanted sons, they give little to know attention to teaching the daughter how to survive. Most men know little to nothing about mating, let alone nursing. Also, as an ex-statistician I am extremely wary of "statistics" without specific demographics and psychographics. People are too easily misled by numbers and a lack of due diligence.
Q: Don't status, power and money also excite the drive for safety?
A: Certainly. Once again, however, let's look at definitions more closely. Status, power and money come in different amounts and at different levels. While one could simply speak of such things as money by saying, "the more, the merrier", we know that each woman will settle for a certain amount when mixed with other desirable male characteristics. Let's face it; no one is perfect... Both men and women compromise regarding those of their partner's behavior(s) which annoy them, for their better qualities. Also, material possessions are fleeting so wise women look for arguably, equally finite qualities such as ambition and potential, which have longevity. Interestingly, men tend to avoid women who have status, power and money. Why? First, it's an egotistical reaction but equally the recognition that if she has all of that already, why does she need him? The same is even more true when women encounter men with status, power and money, since women have more of a nurturing side and want to help him, to improve him. One unfortunate addition is that when men are already financially set, women are much less trusting since he can more easily get a fleeting "femme fatale". Such is the flip side.
Q: Why do you focus so much on timing?
A: Timing is everything. The difference between a gold metal and a bronze is a fraction of a second.
Q: How can I apply the information I read on the website?
A: Please see the "Plans & Pricing" site page.
Q: Besides self-empowerment and relationship advice, what other services do you offer?
A: Please refer to our Groups page.